Atomic Imaging/Golan Studios Present: State-of-the-Art Advanced Camera Movement Workshop with Panther Dollies Freefly MoVI Pro Alpha Wheels Flowcine Black Arm Alta 8 Heavy Lifter Drone Chrosziel Magnum Mini and Lightweight Lens Motors Blackmagic URSA mini Pro 4.6K Camera |
Eliminate the fear of the unknownPlease come join us for a special event sponsored by Atomic Imaging at Golan Studios, as we host 2 days* of presentations and hands-on product training for you to see and learn how to set up and use the gear. Friday, May 19th from 1PM-6PM and Saturday, May 20th from 9AM-2PM. At Golan Studios, 1501 N. Magnolia Avenue, Chicago, IL 60642. *(Saturday will be a repeat of Friday’s workshop, so do NOT plan to attend both.) Ari Golan (Director/DP/Aerial DP/Helicopter & Drone Pilot) from Atomic Imaging will be demonstrating set up, configuration and use of the Freefly MoVI Pro, MoVI Controller and Alpha Wheels, along with mounting and tuning of the Flowcine Black Arm on vehicles, and flying the MoVI Pro with the Alta 8 heavy lifter Drone. Ari will also discuss the different applications for, and differences between Gimbals vs. Steadicams, Vehicle Stabilizing arms vs. “Russian Arms”, Drones vs. Helicopter and the current state of Drone law in Chicago. Sebastian Lumme from Camadeus will demo and train dolly grips on the set up and operation of the Panther Dolly, U-Bangi Slider, Jib arm and the new Precision Leveling Track. Food, drink, giveaways and show specials will be provided. Due to the hands-on nature of this Workshop/Seminar, we will divide into separate groups and rotate. Attendance is free, but space will be limited, so RSVP/Ticket is required. Who should attend? Dolly Grips, Grips, DPs, Camera Operators, Camera Assistants, and anyone else interested in learning more about state-of-the-art methods for mounting and moving the camera. For Sales/Rental of any of the above items, or just more info, call (312) 649-1800. (Atomic Imaging is the Chicago Dealer for purchasing all of the above products. Golan Studios has them all available for Rental.) |