Atomic Imaging/Golan Studios started out in 1985 as Golan Productions, Inc., an innovative film and video production house in Chicago. Then, taking maximum advantage of breakthrough technologies, we expanded into digital imaging, integrated media and other state-of-the-art processes.
Today, Atomic Imaging/GPI is an international full-service emerging technologies solution provider and digital media production facility. Our content development, production and post-production backgrounds include feature films, national television programs and commercials, corporate videos, major live events, integrated media, motion graphics, animation and Web development. This gives us a macro perspective — enabling us to create a high-quality solution that focuses on your strategic objectives and integrates seamlessly in your overall program.
And, by providing all the necessary services, facilities and equipment under one roof, we coordinate the elements from start to finish and expedite your project in the most cost-effective way — on time, on target, on budget.
Although our work has won many awards for outstanding creativity and quality, the true measure of our performance has been the success of our projects in meeting the goals of our clients.
Our creative and technical expertise, combined with our management services, allows us to create solutions that focus on the unique challenges of our client engagements.